The first of many events, Holding Heimat | The Tirol Edition is a provocative weekend investigation into food, music, nature and making to uncover the spirit of Heimat (a German word that expresses a sense of home or place of belonging).
The desire for Heimat today is more profound as we see many longing for home once they find themselves a new place trying to embrace the local heritage while also keeping some of their own. We know and have talked to many others who share our feelings so we want to create an inspiring weekend to uncover what this means and how we can collectively create home in a new place while also becoming advocates of hospitality.
And these are the great folks who brought with us Heimat to life:
The country house in the Tyrolean Gschnitztal has been run by the Covi family for 4 generations; Jörg and Harry Covi now run the hotel and restaurant in Trins/Tyrol, with the support of all family members involved with everything from the vegetable garden to design concepts. The Covi family celebrates authenticity, internationality, and sustainability and is always adventurous and keen to experiment.
After training as a gastronomy expert and graduate sommelière, she resumed management of an alpine pasture in 2011 where she maintains 14 goats and from their milk creates cream cheese like it was done in France 100 years ago.Helga Hager lives two lives that could hardly be more different. In summer she is on the alp, in winter she works as a sommelier in Kitzbühel. But she can't turn off her love for good wine on the Nockeralm either. "If it's good for the soul, it can't harm the liver," says a little sign outside the mountain pasture. "Basically, everything comes down to the question of what the culture of mountain farmers is worth to us and whether we want to preserve it or not." The School of the Alm is an attempt to answer this question.
The Austrian has been cooking his way through half of Europe for 17 years now. From the Chefs Table of the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol (together with his mentor Christoph Zangerl) to the Restaurant Steirereck Vienna and the award-winning Villa Merton in Frankfurt and for a short time, in Curtis Duffy's "Grace" in Chicago.With his restaurant in the heart of Innsbruck, which opened in September 2017, the native Tyrolean has now returned to his homeland and fulfilled his dream with the "Oniriq" (onirique [French] = dream):
When the world is heavy on the shoulders, the legs have to rock all the more light-footed to the beat. With hi-hats and trumpets - as well as, accordion - the versatile Six dance delicately in the political and play acoustic with the disco. Laura Winkler's silky, athletic vocals float between escapism and escalation:
We are living a life of travel and work abroad, but have become particularly attached to the treasures that remind us of our home in Austria, of the mountains, of the alps. We have struggled to find quality products with lasting designs that can find themselves useful and eye-catching in a contemporary household like our own. We took it into our own hands and created Grete Kraft Atelier: a homewares line that celebrates traditional Alpine craftsmanship.
Austrian Design has a grand legacy; it’s a rare combination of ornamental design language and high functionality. I have witnessed the pride Alpine craftsmanship carries with it and the artisans themselves who hone their trade to perfection. The decades and centuries of knowledge, passion, and heritage they have built deserve to be celebrated. This is the mission of Grete Kraft Atelier: It’s the end of kitschy tshatshkes, manufactured overseas, and the beginning of minimal accessories, crafted by locals using regionally sourced materials.
Grete Kraft Atelier selects honest artisans, local to the European Alps, to collaborate on a line of authentic products reworked to incorporate the clean design language relevant to your home and lifestyle.